HOMYoga is short for Heart Of Mine Yoga. It’s from my heart to your heart. But it’s also here to remind you that your heart is the centre of your existence, a true life engine. It can guide you to beautiful places.
The best decisions in my own life came from my heart. My wish is for HOMYoga to be a home for everyone. For you. To connect to your own heart. To feel safe, grow strength, open up, find roots (ground) and learn to trust yourself.
My teacher Robert Boustany has a beautiful saying: ‘Open Heart, Open Mind’.
Which I wholeheartedly feel to be true. His teachings as a spiritual mentor and Pralaya yoga instructor are embedded in all of the classes I teach.
Pralaya yoga focusses on physical alignment by strengthening weaker muscles and releasing tight muscles. It also brings more life force (prana) into your energetic body and more clarity in your mental body. Whether we fly in an Aerial class, flow in a.Vinyasa class or meditate at the beginning or end of a class; this combination of physical, energetic and mental balance throughout the poses forms the basis.
None of my classes are scripted or planned. Pure guidance comes from my intuition, passion and love for teaching. Of course there’s always room for specific requests. And please don’t hesitate to mention injuries at the beginning of the class. If you feel more comfortable expressing anything in private, please contact me through email or private message.
Welcome HOME to HOMYoga Breda!
Namasté, Boban