About me

Yoga is like a dance through my soul. A path of discovery. A way of life that feeds my natural spontaneity and intuition. My dance background has shaped who I am. It has brought me flexibility. Not only in my body but as a human being. It has taught me to adapt to situations and environments, to move with whatever comes my way.

In moving from Belgrade to Rotterdam in 1994 after finishing the dance academy in Serbia, it has meant an adjustment in culture and surroundings. When I left the dance world a few years later to work in retail as a store manager and later a regional manager I applied my flexibility in lifestyle and daily routine situations. The same happened when I switched from management to yoga. Besides that, I encounter and get the opportunity to trust my flexibility in daily life, when I travel (which I love to do as often as possible) and in every challenge I face in life.

Yoga is like coming home

Yoga is like coming home. Dance already made moving a very natural thing for me, but yoga gave it a new dimension. An internal journey. The movement I initiated with dance, got lifted to another level. Turning inward, connecting, feeling and listening.

The Teacher Trainings I attended were all fed by movement. The 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Goa, India laid the foundation for all of the classical postures. In the 200 and 500 hour Pralaya Yoga Teacher Training with Robert Boustany and Dorinda Farver I submerged myself into anatomy and energetics, both in relation to my own body as well as my student’s bodies. And during the Aerial Yoga Teacher Training I could dive deeper into my intention for creating a loving place where people can let go and experience freedom and strength in their own body.

Movement is at the heart of my development. The trainings and decade of teaching at amazing studio’s throughout the world are part of my growth. And from June 2020, my own yoga studio HOMYoga Breda, which is now called BOBANYOGA, is the place to spread my wings even further and share with you everything I’ve learned and experienced.

I would love to meet you in one of my classes!


My Vision

The best decisions in my own life came from my heart. My wish is for BOBANYOGA to be a home for everyone. For you. To connect to your own heart. To feel safe, grow strength, open up, find roots (ground) and learn to trust yourself

My teacher Robert Boustany has a beautiful saying: ‘Open Heart, Open Mind’.
Which I wholeheartedly feel to be true. His teachings as a spiritual mentor and Pralaya yoga instructor are embedded in all of the classes I teach.
Pralaya yoga focusses on physical alignment by strengthening weaker muscles and releasing tight muscles. It also brings more life force (prana) into your energetic body and more clarity in your mental body. Whether we fly in an Aerial class, flow in a.Vinyasa class or meditate at the beginning or end of a class; this combination of physical, energetic and mental balance throughout the poses forms the basis.

None of my classes are scripted or planned. Pure guidance comes from my intuition, passion and love for teaching. Of course there’s always room for specific requests. And please don’t hesitate to mention injuries at the beginning of the class. If you feel more comfortable expressing anything in private, please contact me through email or private message.

Welcome HOME to BOBANYOGA Breda!

Namasté, Boban